Tuesday, May 19, 2009

digging playing with rocks

Here is more of what David and I have been up to lately. The red rock looked like it could have come from Mars as we were driving down one of the neighborhood roads the other day. The pic here doesn't do it justice. The green rock is magnificently covered in lichen and was found on our property.

I decided to add more than just rocks to this eclectic little project and took some shells off my bathroom shelving. My Mom said that would make it easier to dust...hum, I can't remember how to do that little chore!!

Okay, who does this remind you of?? Remember Wilson? I know he wasn't a bowling ball but this is a special bowling ball that we found in the ditch by the church where our son got married in Arkansas so he had to be named and well... anyway. He is holding down a bird waterer and is a new addition to the Project.

The expanding picture. Eventually everything behind Wilson and the shells will be full of rocks. The 3 pronged piece of wood has a yellow cast in it from the fat wood (resin) and is very pretty.

The dirt is no longer coming in the door but should we just stop now?? No I don't think that is possible. I have added a few adornments to the other side and so far the wind hasn't knocked anything over. This is a lot of fun. I used to enjoy going into work and being gone over night every week just to do something different but now tomorrow is work day and I DON'T WANT TO GO!! I want to stay home and find rocks and just be here checking out the birds and reading the afternoon away in my swing. I have such a good life!


jerry & judi said...

We like WILSON---and you are doing a great job
with your rock collection. While at the beach last
wk there were all these cool semi flat ROUND rocks, sorry I couldn't beam them home to you!!!!

Katrina's mom said...

It is a beautiful scarf!